
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Live long and PROSPER!

It is every man (and women)'s dream to live a long and Healthy life. Longevity is the most sought after by humanity since ages. You surely have heard about the search for the fountain of youth? Until today, pharmaceutical companies spend billions on research for anti ageing technology! WHY? because people are willing to do anything to stay young and beautiful.

Even turn into a vampire, if it is ever possible.

Ok, so eternal youth might be far fetched today. who knows what the future will bring. But today, we have made some amazing discoveries too. Discoveries that lead to slowing down ageing, or even reverse some degree of ageing.

Do you WANT to KNOW what is HOT in the market today?

Stem cells you say?? Not really. Stems cells are great if they are your own cells, harvested from your body and implanted into sites that need them. but if you get stem cells from a bottle, or even worse, in powder form... its all rubbish!

You see, the idea of stem cells is that, it is a cell that can transform into any cell you need. so, we implant it somewhere in hopes it becomes the cell you are missing. like we put it in your pancrease in hopes it becomes beta cells to produce insulin.

but if you get "stem cells" in a bottle. i dont think there are any living cells in it. powder?? please dont be dumb. even if you did consume live cells. i dont think the cells could survive your digestive system! so all you are taking is basically tiny vitamins from the "stem cells".

Have you heard of the saying, A glass of wine a day can prevent heart disease and help you live longer.

How about that? Well, that is probably true..

It is because red wine has  Resveratrol!

This was found because of the "french paradox". the french eat alot, drink wine, but seem to live longer than average. so after digging in the lab, they found that wine contained alot of funky good stuff. And No, i dont mean alcohol.

So one of those 'good stuff' is Resveratrol.

what are some of its benefits??

Resveratrol has gained a lot of attention for its reported antiaging and disease-combating benefits. Early research, mostly done in test tubes and in animals, suggests that resveratrol might help protect the body against a number of diseases, including:

Heart disease. Resveratrol helps reduce inflammation, prevents the oxidation of LDL "bad" cholesterol, and makes it more difficult for platelets to stick together and form the clots that can lead to a heart attack.

Cancer. Resveratrol is thought to limit the spread of cancer cells and trigger the process of cancer cell death (apoptosis).

Alzheimer's disease. Resveratrol may protect nerve cells from damage and the buildup of plaque that can lead to Alzheimer's.

Diabetes . Resveratrol helps prevent insulin resistance, a condition in which the body becomes less sensitive to the effects of the blood sugar-lowering hormone, insulin. Insulin resistance is a precursor todiabetes.

Resveratrol has also been linked to prevention of age-related problems such as heart disease and insulin resistance. Researchers believe that resveratrol activates the SIRT1 gene, a biological mechanism that seems to protect the body against the harmful effects of obesity and the diseases of aging.

So before you decide to buy10 bottles of wine and drown yourself in them, stop just for another second. alcohol is bad for you. thats not the way to do it.

Here is the liquid gold:

Best part is, studies show far has seen good tolerance to resveratrol. No known side effects.

yes, you only need one teaspoon a day for all the awesome benefits.

Some of the feed backs of people using VIVIX

  1. SLE patients that use it can stop taking their prednisalone
  2. DM patients that take can lower their Meds dosage.
  3. People with skin problems report drastic improvements.
And much more. 

The good things is that this product can be taken together with the meds you take. Check with your doctor if unsure. if you are taking blood thinning meds, this may increase risk of bleeding.

Buy now. For a younger you. for a longer youth, and to preserve health at its best.
Dont wait until you get disease, prevent.
Dont wait until you get wrinkles, prevent.

Start early and save more in the future.

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