
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Happy International Women's Day to Mum!

8 March is celebrated as International Women's day.

I myself don't feel I am worthy of such an honorable day celebrating the sweat and pain that women around the world endure for the survival of mankind.

Its not just about giving birth to kids. It's about the sacrifice they make daily for their family.
Even though women still bear the stigma of being a housewife, she is much more than a laundry lady.

The housewife is the pillar to the family, ensuring that the family is well fed, using whatever the husband can provide, stretching the family budget. she takes care of the hygiene and cleanliness of the home and family, from the house to clothes to undies. She educates her little ones, teaches them what right and wrong, help them with their ABCs, and encourages them to dream for a better future.

These pages will never be enough to jot down the gigantic role that modern woman play in our society. May it be that they are working, single, married, with or without kids. Every one of them play an important role.

So allow me to introduce to you my mother, 
Ibu Sri. or friends call her Alice.

I remembered times when she would wait in the rain for me when school ends, just to ensure I was kept dry.
I remember times when she would stay awake at night, many nights sometimes, tending to my fever.
I remember when she would cuddle me, and tell me, nothing is impossible if I studied hard and got good grades.
She told me, someday she will get old, and when that time comes, I will be on my own, for she will not be able to catch me when i fall, to kiss my wound and tell me it will be alright.
so she told me, before that time comes, I must achieve success, study hard, get a good Job, and do well in life.

I am half way there Mum. Loving you always.

We stay young and vibrant with Shaklee.

My mum came to stay with me for a month here in Papar.
I'm happy to say that since she has been with me, she has been taking Shaklee supplements daily.
It has helped her stay fit and regain some of her youth.
My mum has elevated cholesterol. So taking  statins for her cholesterol has given her frequent muscles aches and feeling of lethargy.
Now, she is just taking Shaklee omega, phytocol, vita lea iron, and vivix. Her cholesterol and lipids are all in normal range in just 2weeks. she no longer complains of lethargy and muscle aches. She no longer suffer from digestive 'winds'.

she is well and happy, and joins me in the gym. Believe it or not she can do weights much larger than I can. hah.. how embarrassing. my husband says its coz i dont like to do house chores :P

my mom does 20 mins cardio or more. she can even do treadmill. better than me on the treadmill

whatever weights she is doing, usually its more than what i can do.

enjoying mother daughter bonding for fitness

Also, she takes osteomatrix at night, to help preserve her bones and teeth. also, it helps her 'go' the next morning.

Thankfully for that (taking calcium religiously), she didn't suffer any bone fractures when she fell down at home. I was away and she was out in the garden, distracted by my ducks (yes i have ducks), she missed a step and fell. she only had 2 days of soft tissue soreness and was well as before after. Imagine a 60 year old falling laterally and only suffering minor injuries. recovering in just 2 days. I find that amazing.

Here are some snippets of her at the river.

It is time to repay their kindness and love. They deserve the best.

YOU deserve the best too! 
Reward yourself with supplements that add not only years to your life, but quality.

Preserve your health so you can continue the love and care for the people that depend on you.

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