
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Triggers! - and our Weight loss efforts.

The journey to get rid of a few kilograms of fat... can be a difficult and challenging one.

I know alot of you are wishing you have unlimited funds and that you can just step into a clinic and have the doctor just 'suck' it out of you. well... dream on. Not that its not possible.. but any invasive procedure is risky.

So today I would like to share with you how to change your environment to help you in your weight loss efforts.

For you people out there thinking.. "what would this bimbo know bout losing weight? she never had a kilo more than she needed!"

Well, let me tell you something... I wasnt always 47kg. once.. I was 65Kg!! It was a shameful moment in my life when I gave in to the lust of food. I gained from 45kg to 65KG in only 3 months!
I blame it on the endless delicious and high caloric food of russia! haha. good times :)

This is me 60+ kg. several years back.

This was one year later, about 55 or so, this is the dress that motivated me to lose weight. It was still a little tight, but hey, i could wear it again.

This was 2 years after, still alittle round. 

2 years ago. about 52kg

And just this year 47kg. and staying there! hopefully.

Now that you know I have fought my demons, and I have struggled through weight problems, I hope you take me a pinch more seriously.

what i have discovered in the effort of living healthy, is that you need not only change your mindset, diet and work out. but you practically gotta change your whole environment. everything that surrounds you must remind you of your aim, your promise, and your new lifestyle.

Healthy living is nothing more than a change in your habits. put to thrash the old nasty ones that made you go bad, and highlight the ones that can bring about a positive change.

So for that, Today, I wanna tell you about Triggers!

what are these triggers?

they are the little objects in and around you that little demons use againts you, to lure you into your old dingy habits.

What you need to do is scan your home, workplace, car.. and whatever for these little traps.

for example,

  1. a jar of sweets at the living room,
  2. a packet of chips in your study room,
  3. soft drinks in your fridge,
  4. fast food stickers on your car,
  5. tv shows about eating, food, 
  6. fast food magnets on your fridge,
  7. fast food call numbers in your phone...

all of those things and more can distract you from your healthy lifestyle change.

You need to encourage positive triggers in your environment.
Use triggers to your advantage!

you dont realise it but much of what you decide and do is influence by what you see and hear from your surroundings...

here are some suggestions.

  1. put a bowl of fruits for snacks in place of cookies or candy jars
  2. fill candy jars with roasted almonds or other healthy nuts. but beware, eat only a fistful per time
  3. lots of water, easily accessible.
  4. lots of fruits, vege, yogurt in your fridge
  5. if you dislike or get bored of plain water, make an infused water with lemon, grapes or any fruits to impart flavor but little calories 
  6. put your workout outfits in clear view everytime you open your closet.
  7. keep your workout shoes easily visible to remind you to get going
  8. keep you supplements close to where you should take them. like the dining table, so you remember to take them wif meals, next to your bed, so you take the ones for before sleep.
  9. put up a poster or picture of something that inspires you. like a picture a of a buff body, or a picture of you before you got pregnant. put it on your fridge, so next time you wanna grab something sinful, you will b reminded of your goals.
  10. make sure your home, room, car and surroundings smell nice. research shows that foul smell can deteriorate mood and health of a person
  11. subscribe to channels and magazines that promote health.
and the list goes on....

you get the idea right?

In the effort to be healthy its not just a flip of the switch in your head. you gotta go and do the ground work. there has to be sacrifices and negotiations made.

My motivater was a simple dress. a dress which was made for me when i was 45kg. I said, i need to fit into that dress again, and only then I have been successful. 

I did it, I wore that dress again when i was 55kg. I wasn't one who worked out much. ration control and food choices where much of how i succeded. I wish i knew of shaklee weightloss products and stuff back then. surely it would have made my effforts much much easier.

So take the right steps towards being healthy today. Once you are used to the new habit, its effortless.

Pick the right supplements, make sure its safe, effective and green.

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