
Monday, April 27, 2015

"Excercise not Key to tackling obesity" - BBC news uk

Well well well,

This is not something new. Like I've written so many times in my blog previously, to have a healthy body, you need to eat right!

News in BBC UK today says that exercise is not Key to tackling Obesity. This doesn't mean exercise is useless, what it means is, you can't eat all you want even if you exercise.

complete news in the link -CLICK HERE TO READ THE NEWS

This is a scary statement, and needs to be told with some emphasis on what it really means.

It says that in the war against obesity.... you need to eat right. The enemy is excess CARBOHYDRATES and SUGAR.

"An obese person does not need to do one iota of exercise to lose weight, they just need to eat less" Dr Aseem Malhotra, Cardiologist

They said while activity was a key part of staving off diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and dementia, its impact on obesity was minimal.

So you see, I haven't been singing a deaf tune all this while. I've always led you to the proper and right path to get a healthy body.

Eat right, control your calories. Diet is key to fighting obesity. 

So Join me today, pick the right supplements and diet plan for a safe and sure weightloss. Remember, its the eating thats the key. everything else is a help. If you dont fix your eating, you can run till your knees hurt and you wont shed a kilo.

Shaklee - Always safe, always works, always green

Just to add on... exercise is not bad.. not at all. its good and you should do it. but exercise alone will not help.

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