
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Protein the 'Bricks' to my Body


Lets get to know the building blocks of our body. We know our body contains lots of water, minerals, vitamins, fat, sugar and surely, protein.

Protein consist of Amino Acids , nine essential amino acids. Essential meaning that your body cannot produce or synthesise them. You can only get them from you daily food intake.

I call them the bricks to your body because these 9 essential amino acids (proteins) are what makes most of us. All our cells consists of proteins. cells make tissue, tissues makes organs and we need all the organs that we have to be healthy and functioning well in order to be healthy as a whole.

What happens if we don't consume enough proteins?

  • Poor Healing, when you get an injury, you need protein to fix you up. without it, you will heal very slowly and this can lead to infection and ugly scars. this will include gastric ulcers.
  • Weak immune response. our immune systems consists of cells (made frm protein) and compliment pathway (also made from protein). 
  • Elevated LDL and cholesterol. in the fight against elevated cholesterol, you know that we want HDL. high density lipoprotein. its high density when it has more proteins than cholesterol. if you have a lack of protein, you get lots of nasty LDL
  • Muscle wasting in low calorie diets. Protein is also a source of energy. if you aim to lose weight, you aim to lose fat, not muscle. but if you are on a low calorie diet, your body will switch to alternative fuel... hopefully fat, but it can also use protein. this means, muscle will waste and shrink. you become weaker and endanger your health.
  • Ugly skin, Hair and nails , protein makes our skin supple, hair strong and shiny, and nails tough. if you lack protein, your general beauty will compromised. you become less attractive. I dont think hairloss is attractive, do you?
  • Mental Retardation. As our society gets older, the elder population grows in numbers. They need a simple way to get their much needed source of protein. this is easy for them and can keep them from losing their mind. school children will benefit as well.

So can you guess its benefits?

  • Healthy immune system
  • Ensures optimal healing and keeping away unwanted infections
  • promotes healthy blood pressure
  • Promotes lower LDL and cholesterol (3%)
  • Builds strong healthy muscles. 
  • Keeps you full and satiated longer, helps in diets.
  • Keeps your muscle from wasting in low caloric Diet.
  • Promotes and protects beautiful Hair, Skin and nails.
  • Helps Organs function and heal.

Why choose  Energizing soy Protein (ESP)?

  • Shaklee ESP powder is a good source of soy protein.
  •  ESP provides 14 grams of high quality non-GMO soy protein with all the amino acids, including the nine essential amino acids your body needs for protein synthesis.
  •  It is also lactose and cholesterol free.Unlike protein from meat, eggs and dairy, ESP is naturally low in fat.
  •  Not just proteins. It Contains five essential B vitamins, half the Daily Value for calcium, and soy isoflavones. Studies have shown that soy helps regulate hormonal balance during the transitional period of menopause.

This non-GMO soy protein is produced under an Identity Preservation Program (IPP), which means that the soybeans are tightly monitored and controlled from planting through processing.

Who needs proteins?

Everybody will benefit from protein. Especially,

  • Pregnant mothers
  • lactating mothers
  • growing children and teenagers
  • body builders
  • athletes
  • women concerned with beauty
  • Elderly people.
  • preparing for surgery and healing from surgery
  • post trauma or injury
  • people fasting
  • people on low calorie diets to lose weight.

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