
Monday, March 9, 2015

The Secret to Healthy skin!

Ladies and concerned gentlemen.

Beautiful skin may be a thing which seems impossible for you to achieve. Don't fret, don't despair, don't give up just yet.

Here I would like to share some common knowledge, some indepth science behind it, and maybe some tips to help you achieve the skin you desire!

The all too common scenario would be, 

Miss A has a skin problem, let us just say it acne, not too bad, but acne sprouting like weed around her face. She freaks out (duh!), goes to her local pharmacy, and gets a ton of facial products!
After sometime she realises it doesnt help her at all.
So she ups the budget, goes to a beauty saloon or a beautician and purchase branded facial products.
she spends hundreds if not thousands of dollars and get minimal results.
Always the promise result if you would go to facials more often, use their products religiously, 3-4x daily. follow the hundreds of steps, wash, cleanse, use a spot corrector, use a base, and so on.

Does it start to feel familiar to you?
would you believe if i told you my beauty routine is short and sweet, uses inexpensive products that actually keeps your skin healthy.

My secret is that beauty comes from within.

Lets get to know your skin a little better. 
so as you can see, skin is formed out of 3 important layers. 
our concern now would be epidermis - the outer most layer that people see, and the dermis.
Now even tho the dermis is inside, it is the powerhouse of your beauty. if things fail here, then all you get is saggy ol wrinkle epidermis.

epidermis is constantly shedding, it is replace by newer cells from underneath. It the dermis' job to ensure that the nutrients is supplied to this renewing layer. Hence, if circulation is good, and there is optimal nutrients supplied, the shedding will occur as destined and the new skin would be glowing and healthy.

remember, if there is harmony within you, physically, emotionally, you will definitely show it on the outside. dull skin reflects dull conditions within your body down to the cellular level.

So what you need is to do from the INSIDE

  1. get good circulation. no smoking, good exercise, take foods that promote circulation. all these will contribute to blood getting to the smallest capilaries and deliver oxygen to every single cell in need
  2. get good nutrition - every cell is our body is made up of protein, fat, minerals and runs on a bunch of different vitamins.its like building a car, if you are missing some parts, things wont run smoothly. I'll share with you what vitamins works best for the extra glow of skin. but keep in mind, the aim is to achieve overall wellness, so it would be wise to start with a good Multiviitamin.
  3. drink lots of fluid. Our metabolism and cell function depend alot on hydration. water keeps our blood volume adequate, and blood pressure optimal for nutrient and waste transport, we told how important it is for ur growing and renewing cells to get nutrient, it is as important for the waste products of metabolism to be flushed out. your kidneys would have a happier time with good fluid intake. when i say fluid, i mean plain water. no sweet gassy drinks from hell.
  4. Get adequate rest and relieve stress. You heard of the term beauty sleep right? its no wonder, enough sleep actually gives your skin a better glow. sleep according to the sun cycle. not stay awake at night and sleep in the day. we are not bats. and bats dont have good skin :P All those stress hormones and responses actually punishes your skin in several ways, your circulation becomes poor, immunity gets suppressed and you get acne, your oil glands curn face butter in horrifying quantities. that is just naming some. read more
What to do from the OUTSIDE

  1. Protect yourself from the sun. Sunscreen is a must. not only the face but any skin exposed. use long sleeved clothing. use a hat with a brim. avoid the sunlight whenever possible especially from 11am to 2pm
  2. Moisturise moisturise moisturise! healthy skin needs a balanced moisture condition. too dry it will be aggravated and produce excess oil too. 
  3. Keep your filthy fingers of your face! your hand harbour billions of microbs. many can potentially cause breakouts. when not necessary, don't touch your face. that includes no pinching the zit, not resting your face on your palm, no wiping sweat with your bare hands. 
  4. ex foliate gently at least once or twice a week. remember that the dead skin can make you look dull. taking off some of that dead debris can be good for you.
  5. use a gentle cleanser. any cleanser that leaves you feeling tight and stiff after usage is stripping away all the good stuff off your face.
  6. limit bath time and use lukewarm water. long baths and shower especially with hot water will cause your skin to be stripped of its natural oils. I'm guilty as charged! I mean come on.. who can resist a relaxing hot shower while singing to mariah carey!

Start by eating healthy. I dont mean turn into a bunny, but if you can, thats great. 
if you know you can't eat at least 5 servings of vege and 3 servings of fruits a day, please get help, get supplements.

we live in a modern world where tecchnology is suppose to help us be more healthy, and make our efforts easy, but instead, we see obesity on the rise!

cut down those fatty fried foods. if you really love fast foods, go for shakes, or low fat yogurts. trust me, protein based drinks will give you a full feeling.

If you are in the mission of finding supplements that leads to supple, vibrant, healthy skin, here are some options

Vit A and its families (precursors,, the stuff before it becomes vit A)
vitamin A is the heart of healthy skin. without it, other efforts would be futile.

Vitamin E
powerful anti oxidant. it protects Vit A, kinda like a body guard to miss A.i mean Vit A.

It also contains grape seed extract, good for circulation and has anti inflammatory effect.

Vitamin C

We all know Miss Vit C. she has been the hype of all vitamins. we take it during colds to reduce duration and severity even though no studies proves this belief.

But Vit C is a known anti oksidant too. it works with E to protect A. if you got all three, you are halfway there.

VIVIX- Polyphenols and resveratrol!
powerful plant origin antioxidants, it has anti ageing properties by protecting from the cellular level down to the DNA!

If Acne is your vice, you need a dose of ZINC.

Now other supplements will depend on your underlying problems. 
lets say you got diabetes, than circulation and sugar control is your priority. you might need supplements like GLA, Garlic, and Omega to help out.

So I dont think it is possible for me to predicts and give sollutions to all possibilities, if you wanna know, or wanna share, please feel free to use the comments.

you can also email me at gmail

You should reward yourself with the chance to get beautiful skin!

Good Luck to achieving harmony and getting your dream skin health!

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