
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Should you take supplements?

Living is all about making choices. 

We make choices daily whether it is obvious or not. We make a choice whether to snooze or to rise, to shower or to bath, which clothes to wear for the day, what to eat for breakfast, and the list just keeps going as you live your daily life.

Some choices are more important than others. That's because some choices will lead to lifelong consequences. For eg, the people you date, your choice of food, your lifestyle, who you wanna marry, and much much more.

Among these mind boggling choices is one equally important choice, 

Should you take supplements?

 Well, yes, of course. Fine, you can argue that u are doing fine without them.. healthy as a horse, no chronic illness, you exercise, you watch what you eat. fine. but you, my friend are a rare species. most of us have little to no time to do all the required healthy stuff like cooking right, shopping for best produce, exercise, prepare breakfast and so on. 

Thats why obesity is on the rise, with it, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes and other debilitating chronic disease caused by poor choices in early life.

We work so hard, invest our hours for money. then we invest money for the future. but at the rate you are going, you probably wont get to enjoy your future. How to enjoy your life earned sweat if u end up sick, at the hospital most of the days? sucks right?

We take our Health for granted, we dont think of how life would be if we are sick. When you get sick, you can no longer work, you can't provide for your family, you cannot care for your loved  ones, you cannot do the things you love, you cannot see or go places, life has put a limit on you!

So yes, a boost in our nutrition can balance out the bad habits that we do. A simple protein shake can provide you a healthy breakfast. multivits can provide your daily nutrients in just one gulp. extras.. like VIt A,E,C can cope with the stress your body endures daily. good antioxidants can avoid lots of problems and improve energy, healthy and beauty.

Choosing a healthy lifestyle is one of the most important choices in life. 

why? it will, in a way or another, determined your future health and fitness. 

Having a drastic change can be hard for you, so start small. baby steps towards a better and improved you. how? start by taking more fluids. most of all drink half of the recommended 8 glasses of water a day. You can get yourself a quick Multivitamin. Just take em with any meal of the day and you would have done yourself (your body) a big big favor. Foods these days are mostly modified, they dont grow as long as they should, hence their nutrient values vary greatly, depending on the soil and sunlight that they are exposed to.

but remember to choose your supplements too. Like all things in life, such as cars, clothes or food, there are good ones... and then there are also BAD ones. If your aim is to be healthy, but you compromise and go for just any supplements because it is cheap.. please think again.

If you are a veteran at this being healthy business, you might want to tailor pick your vitamins or supplements. you know what you lack, what you want, and the outcome you are expecting. hence you can choose to boost certain nutrient contents in your body. of course, this has to be done with some medical supervision. some vitamins can accumulate in your body and cause toxicity. But these are rare if you follow the instructions of your supplements.

For eg. you want to focus on you problematic skin issue. its always dry, dull and breaks out easily. You would like then to consider your skin's best friends... A, E, C. If breakouts are really bad, Zinc might help as well. 

For those with weight issues, you need to focus on limiting calories while finding ways to boost metabolism. Remember, muscles are your factories. they are the one burning all the fuel.. if you diet the starvation way.. you will burn fat AND muscle. hence, it will worsen your weight loss efforts. you will slow down from losing fat and you end up giving up. so calories can be controlled with shakes or meal replacement programs and metabolism can be boost with vit B, alfalfa and so on. 

Those are just some of the examples. 
The message is just this. 
If you are healthy, please prevent disease by maintaining your body in tip top shape. If you already have problems. it is not too late. some problems can be corrected, and may even be caused by deficient nutrients.

I can go on forever on this matter. 

I have made my choice and it is one which I am glad for.
I choose to take supplements.
And not only that, I choose to take the best.

How bout you... Be the difference in your future. Make that right decision for a better you and better tomorrow.

If you are a mother, do it for your kids,
if you are a husband, do it for your family,
if you are doing a job you love, do it to continue your passion,
most importantly, do it for yourself. 

You deserve the best. 
You deserve Health and all the joys that come with it.

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