
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Live long and PROSPER!

It is every man (and women)'s dream to live a long and Healthy life. Longevity is the most sought after by humanity since ages. You surely have heard about the search for the fountain of youth? Until today, pharmaceutical companies spend billions on research for anti ageing technology! WHY? because people are willing to do anything to stay young and beautiful.

Even turn into a vampire, if it is ever possible.

Ok, so eternal youth might be far fetched today. who knows what the future will bring. But today, we have made some amazing discoveries too. Discoveries that lead to slowing down ageing, or even reverse some degree of ageing.

Do you WANT to KNOW what is HOT in the market today?

Stem cells you say?? Not really. Stems cells are great if they are your own cells, harvested from your body and implanted into sites that need them. but if you get stem cells from a bottle, or even worse, in powder form... its all rubbish!

You see, the idea of stem cells is that, it is a cell that can transform into any cell you need. so, we implant it somewhere in hopes it becomes the cell you are missing. like we put it in your pancrease in hopes it becomes beta cells to produce insulin.

but if you get "stem cells" in a bottle. i dont think there are any living cells in it. powder?? please dont be dumb. even if you did consume live cells. i dont think the cells could survive your digestive system! so all you are taking is basically tiny vitamins from the "stem cells".

Have you heard of the saying, A glass of wine a day can prevent heart disease and help you live longer.

How about that? Well, that is probably true..

It is because red wine has  Resveratrol!

This was found because of the "french paradox". the french eat alot, drink wine, but seem to live longer than average. so after digging in the lab, they found that wine contained alot of funky good stuff. And No, i dont mean alcohol.

So one of those 'good stuff' is Resveratrol.

what are some of its benefits??

Resveratrol has gained a lot of attention for its reported antiaging and disease-combating benefits. Early research, mostly done in test tubes and in animals, suggests that resveratrol might help protect the body against a number of diseases, including:

Heart disease. Resveratrol helps reduce inflammation, prevents the oxidation of LDL "bad" cholesterol, and makes it more difficult for platelets to stick together and form the clots that can lead to a heart attack.

Cancer. Resveratrol is thought to limit the spread of cancer cells and trigger the process of cancer cell death (apoptosis).

Alzheimer's disease. Resveratrol may protect nerve cells from damage and the buildup of plaque that can lead to Alzheimer's.

Diabetes . Resveratrol helps prevent insulin resistance, a condition in which the body becomes less sensitive to the effects of the blood sugar-lowering hormone, insulin. Insulin resistance is a precursor todiabetes.

Resveratrol has also been linked to prevention of age-related problems such as heart disease and insulin resistance. Researchers believe that resveratrol activates the SIRT1 gene, a biological mechanism that seems to protect the body against the harmful effects of obesity and the diseases of aging.

So before you decide to buy10 bottles of wine and drown yourself in them, stop just for another second. alcohol is bad for you. thats not the way to do it.

Here is the liquid gold:

Best part is, studies show far has seen good tolerance to resveratrol. No known side effects.

yes, you only need one teaspoon a day for all the awesome benefits.

Some of the feed backs of people using VIVIX

  1. SLE patients that use it can stop taking their prednisalone
  2. DM patients that take can lower their Meds dosage.
  3. People with skin problems report drastic improvements.
And much more. 

The good things is that this product can be taken together with the meds you take. Check with your doctor if unsure. if you are taking blood thinning meds, this may increase risk of bleeding.

Buy now. For a younger you. for a longer youth, and to preserve health at its best.
Dont wait until you get disease, prevent.
Dont wait until you get wrinkles, prevent.

Start early and save more in the future.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Why you are not losing weight despite starving!

Today I would like to share some basic knowledge on Insulin.

For those of you who suffer from diabetes that is beyond oral medication control, I am sure you are very familiar with the word and the need of insulin. For the rest of you, maybe you've seen it, maybe you've heard of it by chance or from formal education. There are of course some of you who might not know much if not anything about this very important substance.

I would like to share today on getting to know insulin, its main functions and how it can affect your diet and weight.

Ok, the boring basics. Insulin is an endocrine hormone secreted by the pancreas. It spikes in responds to high glucose (sugar) level in your blood. Glucagon is its opposite partner. when sugar lever drops... Glucagon spikes.

Insulin drives sugars into cells to be stored. and when insulin drops and glucagon spikes.. cells use up its glycogen reserves for energy.

But that is just the superficial part of it.

Actually Insulin plays and important role on the utilisation of our fuels for either storage or oxidation to produce energy. this includes glycogen, lipid and protein. Unsteady levels of insulin will cause derangements in the process of fuel utilization.

so lets break it down.


Carbohydrates will break down into glucose at the end of the day. Insulin in the key to allow sugar to pass through the cell door and get stored as glycogen. every cell needs insulin except for your brain,nerve cell and liver. But. Insulin stimulates the liver to bank in as much glycogen as it can.

This results in a drop in sugar in the blood. Hence, Insulin will decrease as well.
Decrease in insulin will trigger use of alternative energy. The liver will also start break down glycogen.


so you must be wondering. why then do i gain so much weight as fat.. even if I only eat food high in sugar and carbs?

Actually the liver can only saturate upto 5% of its mass with glycogen. Once saturated, guess what, it begins to churn glucose into fatty acids. This is then exported from the liver as lipoproteins. Lipoproteins (fat + proteins) will release free fatty acids in the body where it is needed. Mainly will be taken up by the Adipose(fat) cells. so there you go, there is the culprit after all.

What else does insulin do? It inhibits usage of alternative fuel. Alternative meaning anything other than glucose. Insulin signals glucose to be stored in Adipocyte (fat cells), converted to glycerol and with the fatty acid, insulin signals the fat cells to produce triglycerides. basically, producing more FAT!!!

So basically, Insulin in a fat sparing agent. Not only does it signal body to use our primary fuel source, sugar, but it signals accumulation of FAT. converting sugar.. into FAT!

bottom line, spikes of insulin is not what you want for your wightloss - fatloss ambition.


well, it is obvious isnt it. keep your carbs and sugar intake low and steady and this will in turn produce a steady low level on insulin in your body.

This is why the Low carb, diet works. you can eat as much as you want provided it doesnt contain sugar or carbs in it. be aware of course, this diet can burden your kidneys in the long run.

If you must take carbs and sugar, take them on regular times each day, and take food with LOW GI. Glycemic index. These are foods that are digested slowly and hence release sugar not in a big pulse, but rather a constant slow ooze. avoiding the unnecessary insulin spike which will lead to the unwanted effects mentioned above.

Diet preparations, weight loss meal replacements or shakes are mainly rich in proteins and low in GI. This is for the sole purpose of getting your body to use its fat storage, the stuff you wanna lose. body isn't so clever when it comes to burning alternative fuel. It will tend to burn protein as well.


Why do shakes contain mainly protein? well, one, would be to make you feel full and curb the cravings. but more importantly it prevents muscle wasting. Muscles are the main fuel users. If you work out, you create a demand to burn more fuel and at the same time, build more muscle. Especially if you do strength training. cardio burns fat, pumping iron bulk up the engine.


if you are serious at losing those unwanted fats, then you have to be serious at keeping your food routine tight.

Eat same time each day. keep your diet LOW GI, and avoid as much carbs and sugar as you can. this include the healthy choices of delicious fruits. pick fruits with lots of fiber and low sugar. like apples, pears and watermelon. they make you feel full without the exccess of sugar and carbs.

drink plain water, throughout the day. to burn alternative fuel, your body needs more fluids.


If you made it this far and could digest more than half of the info than good for you. You now have the knowledge to change your body and health.

wether you use this knowledge to your advantage or not is beyond me. Your life, Your choice, Your happiness. succeed or fail its all you. no one else.

"do not stop when you are tired, stop when you are finished" I dunno who said that, i read it somewhere on fb. but it rings true you know.


  1. Have a strict meal routine. keep your insulin levels steady.
  2. Eat food with low GI. spikes of insulin is your enemy
  3. If you can't keep up with meal demands, get Meal replacements, diet shakes. they are easy and fast.
  4. Exercise so that you dont waste muscle that help burn the fat. bulk up if you want to see faster results.
  5. Avoid taking  sugar at all cost. they are your primary enemy!                                                                     

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Wahai Rakan Sekalian,

(saya akan tulis blog ini menggunakan bahasa pasar kerana mood saya cenderung begitu hari ini. kepada yang sakit kepala membacanya, saya minta maaf. lain hari saya tulis dalam bahasa baku :P )

Hari ni saya mahu berkongsi sesuatu yang cukup berguna.

Musim panas macam ini, sudahlah tak cukup minum air, habuk berterbangan, mula la kita rasa kerongkong gatal dan kering.

Haa.. mesti takutkan. sebab bila kering macam ni, musim demam pun datangla. Hampir separuh dari keseluruhan kanak kanak akan meleleh dengan hingus.

Satu terjangkit kawan, balik rumah jangkit adik, abang kakak, ibu bapa, nenek... semua la, tiada yang terkecuali.

Demam yang saya maksudkan ialah demam selesma biasa. bukan demam denggi ka, demam sebab jangkitan paru paru ka. walaupun demam biasa saja, ia bukan sesuatu yang menyenangkan. Sangat lah menyusahkan apabila badan tidak cukup fit untuk terus bekerja, belajar, beriadah dan sebagainya

Mahukah kamu tahu tentang cara senang untuk menguatkan sistem imun diri bagi mencegah daripada dijangkit virus virus ini? Atau lebih luar biasa lagi, kalau sudah terjangkit, mahukah kamu menamatkan riwayat virus itu sebelum ia memaharaja lela di tubuh anda!

Kalau anda katakan YA, saya MAHU.

Maka anda perlukan supplement ZINC!

apakah ZINC ini? boleh ka saya makan atap rumah saya, zinc juga kan
hahaha... lawak betul la. mmg la ada juga atap zinc. tapi saya rasa tidak logic mau makan. kalau makan pun, cedera diri saja.

ZINC tersedia dalam bentuk supplement. macam kalsium, zat besi dan sebagainya.
ia tersedia dalam bentuk mudah ditelan dan diserap,

Apakah kebaikan ZINC ini.
sangatlah banyak sampaii saya rasa kalau tulis smua mesti kamu boring.

Saya mau tekankan fungsi meningkatkan sistem IMUN tubuh kita.

Jika kekurangan zinc, tentera tubuh kita iaitu sel darah putih tidah dapat berfungsi melawan penyakit. tak kisah la, virus ka, bacteria ka. Dia akan jadi lemah.

Zinc juga terlibat dalam proses replikasi DNA dan RNA, aktivasi cell, pembiakan cell dan kestabilan permukaan sel.

cakap saja banyak kan... mana bukti.

memandangkan orang yang buat kajian itu orang puteh! bukan Qu puteh ok, Jadi jurnal ini juga dalam bahasa English. saya yakin kamu semua hebat english. kalau tak brapa... google translate saja la.


perpustakaan cochrane ini rumah kepada berjuta juta jawapan. mesti pandai cari dan Fahamkan saja.

Review itu mengatakan bahawa, zinc yang dimakan dalam masa 24 jam permulaan jangkitan, dapat dipendekkan jangkamasa jangkitan tersebut.

boleh faham ka ayat tu?

maksudnya, kalau tak ambil zinc, sakit biasanya akan reda dlm 5 hari. kalau makan zinc, mungkin sakit 2-3 hari dan sakit pun tak teruk.

bacalah sendiri, baru faham. nanti kata saya tipu pulak.

Kalau suka Membaca, mari baca lebih banyak ilmu lagi di SINI.

Ok, saya harap kalian semua ada menimba sedikit sebanyak ilmu baru untuk kebaikan sekeluarga.

Disini ada beberapa soalan lazim ditanya.

  1. Takpa ka kalau demam tak keluar. nanti demam stuck? Demam tu tindak balas badan kepada jangkitan dan benda asing dalam badan. tiada istilah demam tersekat ka dan sebagainya. kalau jangkitan sudah terbatal.. maka, tiadala demam.
  2. Tidak bahaya ka kalau sakit tu tidak keluar. nanti memudaratkan badan? Sakit selesma ini, disebabkan virus, biasanya virus rhinovirus, parainfluenze dan influenze. kita terjangkit dari orang lain yang sakit. virus yang sedikit, membiak jadi banyak. bila cukup tentera, maka kita akan jadi sakit. apa yang kita lakukan dengan zinc ialah memendekkan hayat virus, menghalangnya dari berjaya mendirikan tentera. jadi, apabila bilangannya sedikit, sistem imun badan pun dapat menghapuskannya!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Should you take supplements?

Living is all about making choices. 

We make choices daily whether it is obvious or not. We make a choice whether to snooze or to rise, to shower or to bath, which clothes to wear for the day, what to eat for breakfast, and the list just keeps going as you live your daily life.

Some choices are more important than others. That's because some choices will lead to lifelong consequences. For eg, the people you date, your choice of food, your lifestyle, who you wanna marry, and much much more.

Among these mind boggling choices is one equally important choice, 

Should you take supplements?

 Well, yes, of course. Fine, you can argue that u are doing fine without them.. healthy as a horse, no chronic illness, you exercise, you watch what you eat. fine. but you, my friend are a rare species. most of us have little to no time to do all the required healthy stuff like cooking right, shopping for best produce, exercise, prepare breakfast and so on. 

Thats why obesity is on the rise, with it, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes and other debilitating chronic disease caused by poor choices in early life.

We work so hard, invest our hours for money. then we invest money for the future. but at the rate you are going, you probably wont get to enjoy your future. How to enjoy your life earned sweat if u end up sick, at the hospital most of the days? sucks right?

We take our Health for granted, we dont think of how life would be if we are sick. When you get sick, you can no longer work, you can't provide for your family, you cannot care for your loved  ones, you cannot do the things you love, you cannot see or go places, life has put a limit on you!

So yes, a boost in our nutrition can balance out the bad habits that we do. A simple protein shake can provide you a healthy breakfast. multivits can provide your daily nutrients in just one gulp. extras.. like VIt A,E,C can cope with the stress your body endures daily. good antioxidants can avoid lots of problems and improve energy, healthy and beauty.

Choosing a healthy lifestyle is one of the most important choices in life. 

why? it will, in a way or another, determined your future health and fitness. 

Having a drastic change can be hard for you, so start small. baby steps towards a better and improved you. how? start by taking more fluids. most of all drink half of the recommended 8 glasses of water a day. You can get yourself a quick Multivitamin. Just take em with any meal of the day and you would have done yourself (your body) a big big favor. Foods these days are mostly modified, they dont grow as long as they should, hence their nutrient values vary greatly, depending on the soil and sunlight that they are exposed to.

but remember to choose your supplements too. Like all things in life, such as cars, clothes or food, there are good ones... and then there are also BAD ones. If your aim is to be healthy, but you compromise and go for just any supplements because it is cheap.. please think again.

If you are a veteran at this being healthy business, you might want to tailor pick your vitamins or supplements. you know what you lack, what you want, and the outcome you are expecting. hence you can choose to boost certain nutrient contents in your body. of course, this has to be done with some medical supervision. some vitamins can accumulate in your body and cause toxicity. But these are rare if you follow the instructions of your supplements.

For eg. you want to focus on you problematic skin issue. its always dry, dull and breaks out easily. You would like then to consider your skin's best friends... A, E, C. If breakouts are really bad, Zinc might help as well. 

For those with weight issues, you need to focus on limiting calories while finding ways to boost metabolism. Remember, muscles are your factories. they are the one burning all the fuel.. if you diet the starvation way.. you will burn fat AND muscle. hence, it will worsen your weight loss efforts. you will slow down from losing fat and you end up giving up. so calories can be controlled with shakes or meal replacement programs and metabolism can be boost with vit B, alfalfa and so on. 

Those are just some of the examples. 
The message is just this. 
If you are healthy, please prevent disease by maintaining your body in tip top shape. If you already have problems. it is not too late. some problems can be corrected, and may even be caused by deficient nutrients.

I can go on forever on this matter. 

I have made my choice and it is one which I am glad for.
I choose to take supplements.
And not only that, I choose to take the best.

How bout you... Be the difference in your future. Make that right decision for a better you and better tomorrow.

If you are a mother, do it for your kids,
if you are a husband, do it for your family,
if you are doing a job you love, do it to continue your passion,
most importantly, do it for yourself. 

You deserve the best. 
You deserve Health and all the joys that come with it.

Monday, March 9, 2015

The Secret to Healthy skin!

Ladies and concerned gentlemen.

Beautiful skin may be a thing which seems impossible for you to achieve. Don't fret, don't despair, don't give up just yet.

Here I would like to share some common knowledge, some indepth science behind it, and maybe some tips to help you achieve the skin you desire!

The all too common scenario would be, 

Miss A has a skin problem, let us just say it acne, not too bad, but acne sprouting like weed around her face. She freaks out (duh!), goes to her local pharmacy, and gets a ton of facial products!
After sometime she realises it doesnt help her at all.
So she ups the budget, goes to a beauty saloon or a beautician and purchase branded facial products.
she spends hundreds if not thousands of dollars and get minimal results.
Always the promise result if you would go to facials more often, use their products religiously, 3-4x daily. follow the hundreds of steps, wash, cleanse, use a spot corrector, use a base, and so on.

Does it start to feel familiar to you?
would you believe if i told you my beauty routine is short and sweet, uses inexpensive products that actually keeps your skin healthy.

My secret is that beauty comes from within.

Lets get to know your skin a little better. 
so as you can see, skin is formed out of 3 important layers. 
our concern now would be epidermis - the outer most layer that people see, and the dermis.
Now even tho the dermis is inside, it is the powerhouse of your beauty. if things fail here, then all you get is saggy ol wrinkle epidermis.

epidermis is constantly shedding, it is replace by newer cells from underneath. It the dermis' job to ensure that the nutrients is supplied to this renewing layer. Hence, if circulation is good, and there is optimal nutrients supplied, the shedding will occur as destined and the new skin would be glowing and healthy.

remember, if there is harmony within you, physically, emotionally, you will definitely show it on the outside. dull skin reflects dull conditions within your body down to the cellular level.

So what you need is to do from the INSIDE

  1. get good circulation. no smoking, good exercise, take foods that promote circulation. all these will contribute to blood getting to the smallest capilaries and deliver oxygen to every single cell in need
  2. get good nutrition - every cell is our body is made up of protein, fat, minerals and runs on a bunch of different vitamins.its like building a car, if you are missing some parts, things wont run smoothly. I'll share with you what vitamins works best for the extra glow of skin. but keep in mind, the aim is to achieve overall wellness, so it would be wise to start with a good Multiviitamin.
  3. drink lots of fluid. Our metabolism and cell function depend alot on hydration. water keeps our blood volume adequate, and blood pressure optimal for nutrient and waste transport, we told how important it is for ur growing and renewing cells to get nutrient, it is as important for the waste products of metabolism to be flushed out. your kidneys would have a happier time with good fluid intake. when i say fluid, i mean plain water. no sweet gassy drinks from hell.
  4. Get adequate rest and relieve stress. You heard of the term beauty sleep right? its no wonder, enough sleep actually gives your skin a better glow. sleep according to the sun cycle. not stay awake at night and sleep in the day. we are not bats. and bats dont have good skin :P All those stress hormones and responses actually punishes your skin in several ways, your circulation becomes poor, immunity gets suppressed and you get acne, your oil glands curn face butter in horrifying quantities. that is just naming some. read more
What to do from the OUTSIDE

  1. Protect yourself from the sun. Sunscreen is a must. not only the face but any skin exposed. use long sleeved clothing. use a hat with a brim. avoid the sunlight whenever possible especially from 11am to 2pm
  2. Moisturise moisturise moisturise! healthy skin needs a balanced moisture condition. too dry it will be aggravated and produce excess oil too. 
  3. Keep your filthy fingers of your face! your hand harbour billions of microbs. many can potentially cause breakouts. when not necessary, don't touch your face. that includes no pinching the zit, not resting your face on your palm, no wiping sweat with your bare hands. 
  4. ex foliate gently at least once or twice a week. remember that the dead skin can make you look dull. taking off some of that dead debris can be good for you.
  5. use a gentle cleanser. any cleanser that leaves you feeling tight and stiff after usage is stripping away all the good stuff off your face.
  6. limit bath time and use lukewarm water. long baths and shower especially with hot water will cause your skin to be stripped of its natural oils. I'm guilty as charged! I mean come on.. who can resist a relaxing hot shower while singing to mariah carey!

Start by eating healthy. I dont mean turn into a bunny, but if you can, thats great. 
if you know you can't eat at least 5 servings of vege and 3 servings of fruits a day, please get help, get supplements.

we live in a modern world where tecchnology is suppose to help us be more healthy, and make our efforts easy, but instead, we see obesity on the rise!

cut down those fatty fried foods. if you really love fast foods, go for shakes, or low fat yogurts. trust me, protein based drinks will give you a full feeling.

If you are in the mission of finding supplements that leads to supple, vibrant, healthy skin, here are some options

Vit A and its families (precursors,, the stuff before it becomes vit A)
vitamin A is the heart of healthy skin. without it, other efforts would be futile.

Vitamin E
powerful anti oxidant. it protects Vit A, kinda like a body guard to miss A.i mean Vit A.

It also contains grape seed extract, good for circulation and has anti inflammatory effect.

Vitamin C

We all know Miss Vit C. she has been the hype of all vitamins. we take it during colds to reduce duration and severity even though no studies proves this belief.

But Vit C is a known anti oksidant too. it works with E to protect A. if you got all three, you are halfway there.

VIVIX- Polyphenols and resveratrol!
powerful plant origin antioxidants, it has anti ageing properties by protecting from the cellular level down to the DNA!

If Acne is your vice, you need a dose of ZINC.

Now other supplements will depend on your underlying problems. 
lets say you got diabetes, than circulation and sugar control is your priority. you might need supplements like GLA, Garlic, and Omega to help out.

So I dont think it is possible for me to predicts and give sollutions to all possibilities, if you wanna know, or wanna share, please feel free to use the comments.

you can also email me at gmail

You should reward yourself with the chance to get beautiful skin!

Good Luck to achieving harmony and getting your dream skin health!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Happy International Women's Day to Mum!

8 March is celebrated as International Women's day.

I myself don't feel I am worthy of such an honorable day celebrating the sweat and pain that women around the world endure for the survival of mankind.

Its not just about giving birth to kids. It's about the sacrifice they make daily for their family.
Even though women still bear the stigma of being a housewife, she is much more than a laundry lady.

The housewife is the pillar to the family, ensuring that the family is well fed, using whatever the husband can provide, stretching the family budget. she takes care of the hygiene and cleanliness of the home and family, from the house to clothes to undies. She educates her little ones, teaches them what right and wrong, help them with their ABCs, and encourages them to dream for a better future.

These pages will never be enough to jot down the gigantic role that modern woman play in our society. May it be that they are working, single, married, with or without kids. Every one of them play an important role.

So allow me to introduce to you my mother, 
Ibu Sri. or friends call her Alice.

I remembered times when she would wait in the rain for me when school ends, just to ensure I was kept dry.
I remember times when she would stay awake at night, many nights sometimes, tending to my fever.
I remember when she would cuddle me, and tell me, nothing is impossible if I studied hard and got good grades.
She told me, someday she will get old, and when that time comes, I will be on my own, for she will not be able to catch me when i fall, to kiss my wound and tell me it will be alright.
so she told me, before that time comes, I must achieve success, study hard, get a good Job, and do well in life.

I am half way there Mum. Loving you always.

We stay young and vibrant with Shaklee.

My mum came to stay with me for a month here in Papar.
I'm happy to say that since she has been with me, she has been taking Shaklee supplements daily.
It has helped her stay fit and regain some of her youth.
My mum has elevated cholesterol. So taking  statins for her cholesterol has given her frequent muscles aches and feeling of lethargy.
Now, she is just taking Shaklee omega, phytocol, vita lea iron, and vivix. Her cholesterol and lipids are all in normal range in just 2weeks. she no longer complains of lethargy and muscle aches. She no longer suffer from digestive 'winds'.

she is well and happy, and joins me in the gym. Believe it or not she can do weights much larger than I can. hah.. how embarrassing. my husband says its coz i dont like to do house chores :P

my mom does 20 mins cardio or more. she can even do treadmill. better than me on the treadmill

whatever weights she is doing, usually its more than what i can do.

enjoying mother daughter bonding for fitness

Also, she takes osteomatrix at night, to help preserve her bones and teeth. also, it helps her 'go' the next morning.

Thankfully for that (taking calcium religiously), she didn't suffer any bone fractures when she fell down at home. I was away and she was out in the garden, distracted by my ducks (yes i have ducks), she missed a step and fell. she only had 2 days of soft tissue soreness and was well as before after. Imagine a 60 year old falling laterally and only suffering minor injuries. recovering in just 2 days. I find that amazing.

Here are some snippets of her at the river.

It is time to repay their kindness and love. They deserve the best.

YOU deserve the best too! 
Reward yourself with supplements that add not only years to your life, but quality.

Preserve your health so you can continue the love and care for the people that depend on you.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mood and emotion, How it affects your Health.

Today I would like to talk about MOOD and Emotion

Mood is defined as a long lasting emotion. So it isn't something that fleets by like a bout of laughter you get from seeing someone fall. Or the 2-3 tear you shed when you watch a touching youtube clip.

We all know emotion. Happy, sad, irritated, angry, jealous, and much more.

Mood can be seen as a baseline emotion. something less intense, less pronounced than an emotion, but a state to which we revert to once the excitement or stimulus has faded.

If you baseline is an upbeat mood, you have nothing to worry about. I dont know of anyone that suffered through happiness, or even died for that matter.

Remember the concept of harmony and balance. anything tipping the scale on either side will cause some consequences on your health. tipping towards extreme happy would basically mean you are in a manic phase. that isnt healthy either. tipping towards the gloomy grey of depression will most definitely alter your health.

Mood is a subjective matter. you cannot measure someone's mood. but you can infer their mood from their actions, behaviour, speech and others. usually we speak about being in a good mood, or a bad mood.

So now lets look of what happens  when you are in a bad mood. The longer you linger in this mood, the worse affects it has on your health. a prolonged low mood, can be described as depression. How mood can affect health is still under study. but studies does show that there is definitely a link,

It is known that a low(bad) mood can 

  • suppress the immune system.
  • Make you letarghic (tired)
  • disturb sleep (too much or too little)
  • predispose you to weight gain
  • alters eating habits and appetite
How about different emotional states and how they affects your mood.

For a complete list : How Mood affects your Health

Most important of all is STRESS!!

I will elaborate on stress and how it changes your physical health, the state of your organs, and the body homoeostasis in another article.

But I'm sure you know that chronic stress leads to:
  • heart rhythm problems
  • elevated cholesterol
  • hypertension
  • trigger autoimmune response
  • trigger flare to conditions like SLE, psoriasis, 
  • worsen acne
  • worsen arthritis
  • trigger allergies (hives, sinusitis, asthma)
and much much more

How to achieve balance emotionally?

This isn't rocket science, and I guess what I am doing is merely reminding you to practice these steps

  • Exercise -  it conditions the body, making you release endorphins. keeps the weight in check. keeps your heart muscles fit, and Side effect would be a great looking body
  • Hot drinks - tea, hot cocoa, hot ginger, whatever you fancy. take a little time for yourself, sit back, read, watch tv or chat with your loved ones over a nice hot cup of your fav drink.
  • walks -  be it walking the dog or just strolling along the park, walks get your blood circulating and clears the mind.
  • share with a friend - a burden shared is a burdened halved! make sure you have somebody you can talk to. if you dont, no worries, just stroll the net for chatmates and let out your pent up emotions. talking helps you not only to unload but can also help you see the problem from another angle.
  • meditate - this doesnt mean sitting in the lotus position for hours and achieving the concentrations of monks. you can do meditation in whatever manner and time that suits you. take a deep breath, close your eyes, count to ten and clear your mind. there u have just meditated. yoga is good, fishing (yes, i consider fishing meditative :P), just laying and concentrating on your breathing... these are all helpfull to negate the constant attack of adrenaline. advice from a monk 
  • pray - everyone has their own belief. may it be you pray to a diety, to a god, to a rock or to the universe, the act of praying gives hope. even if you dont believe in a god because you are too cool and know lots of science and science says mayb there is no god, you should still pray. hey, just in case you know. kidding. on the serious note, praying is an act that you let go of the uncertainty and put it in the hands of a higher being. this takes away alot of anxiety. especially anxiety related to death.
  • Eat or take foods that promote relaxation, and positive upbeat moods. you know that the things around us gives many different effects. like citrus gives us a fresh feeling. certain teas like ginger and peppermint helps us relax. chocolate or cocoa can make us happy. some other examples are Food that affect mood
  • and much much more! (too many to list out)
My story:

Everyone has a story to tell when in comes to stress. It is undeniable that everyone gets stressed.
so this is my humble story :

I deal with a lot of stress. I guess age and time has made me wiser in handling stress.
I work 8-5 everyday at the clinic and deal with,anywhere between 15-40 patients a day.
They come in all shapes and sizes (I mean that they differ in attitude) and some can be more irritating than others.

I am very passionate in my practice. I want only the best for the health of my patients. But sometimes, they themselves have no drive and concern over their own health and this can really drive me over the edge. remember, health is our most valueble asset.

So, in short, I have to deal with stress on a daily basis and i remember a time back when I was still an intern and it got to me. I got sick often, getting out of bed was the hardest thing to do, i stress eat, I had constipation. my hair was brittled, skin was bad, acne everywhere, period irregular and much much more.

Thankfully, I realised that in life, its your reaction that matters and not what happens to you.

so now, i keep my stress in check.

i meditate before bed,
i pray whenever i can
eat right
hit the gym at least twice a week
I keep ducks for fun (pets are excellent too if you like em)
and most importantly, 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Protein the 'Bricks' to my Body


Lets get to know the building blocks of our body. We know our body contains lots of water, minerals, vitamins, fat, sugar and surely, protein.

Protein consist of Amino Acids , nine essential amino acids. Essential meaning that your body cannot produce or synthesise them. You can only get them from you daily food intake.

I call them the bricks to your body because these 9 essential amino acids (proteins) are what makes most of us. All our cells consists of proteins. cells make tissue, tissues makes organs and we need all the organs that we have to be healthy and functioning well in order to be healthy as a whole.

What happens if we don't consume enough proteins?

  • Poor Healing, when you get an injury, you need protein to fix you up. without it, you will heal very slowly and this can lead to infection and ugly scars. this will include gastric ulcers.
  • Weak immune response. our immune systems consists of cells (made frm protein) and compliment pathway (also made from protein). 
  • Elevated LDL and cholesterol. in the fight against elevated cholesterol, you know that we want HDL. high density lipoprotein. its high density when it has more proteins than cholesterol. if you have a lack of protein, you get lots of nasty LDL
  • Muscle wasting in low calorie diets. Protein is also a source of energy. if you aim to lose weight, you aim to lose fat, not muscle. but if you are on a low calorie diet, your body will switch to alternative fuel... hopefully fat, but it can also use protein. this means, muscle will waste and shrink. you become weaker and endanger your health.
  • Ugly skin, Hair and nails , protein makes our skin supple, hair strong and shiny, and nails tough. if you lack protein, your general beauty will compromised. you become less attractive. I dont think hairloss is attractive, do you?
  • Mental Retardation. As our society gets older, the elder population grows in numbers. They need a simple way to get their much needed source of protein. this is easy for them and can keep them from losing their mind. school children will benefit as well.

So can you guess its benefits?

  • Healthy immune system
  • Ensures optimal healing and keeping away unwanted infections
  • promotes healthy blood pressure
  • Promotes lower LDL and cholesterol (3%)
  • Builds strong healthy muscles. 
  • Keeps you full and satiated longer, helps in diets.
  • Keeps your muscle from wasting in low caloric Diet.
  • Promotes and protects beautiful Hair, Skin and nails.
  • Helps Organs function and heal.

Why choose  Energizing soy Protein (ESP)?

  • Shaklee ESP powder is a good source of soy protein.
  •  ESP provides 14 grams of high quality non-GMO soy protein with all the amino acids, including the nine essential amino acids your body needs for protein synthesis.
  •  It is also lactose and cholesterol free.Unlike protein from meat, eggs and dairy, ESP is naturally low in fat.
  •  Not just proteins. It Contains five essential B vitamins, half the Daily Value for calcium, and soy isoflavones. Studies have shown that soy helps regulate hormonal balance during the transitional period of menopause.

This non-GMO soy protein is produced under an Identity Preservation Program (IPP), which means that the soybeans are tightly monitored and controlled from planting through processing.

Who needs proteins?

Everybody will benefit from protein. Especially,

  • Pregnant mothers
  • lactating mothers
  • growing children and teenagers
  • body builders
  • athletes
  • women concerned with beauty
  • Elderly people.
  • preparing for surgery and healing from surgery
  • post trauma or injury
  • people fasting
  • people on low calorie diets to lose weight.