
Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Body In Harmony


     Health is the most taken for granted gift we have. When we are in health we do not think about the consequences of our daily actions towards health. I agree, this will not apply to everyone, but I believe that it is generally true. I too was once like that. oblivious to the agony of sickness until one day it came knocking on my door.
     What I would like to share in my blog here is how to live in a state of harmony. This means, we need to pay attention to what we invest in our health, be it foods that we eat, supplements that we take, and time that we make for ourselves to better our bodies.

      I am a practising Medical Doctor, and too many a times I must say that I am greatly saddened by the state of which my patients come in. Most of the time when they see me, the problem has progressed for the worse and some even beyond help. Why do we let ourselves get into these situation?

      I am a strong believer in prevention. There is nothing like prevention when it comes to health. Look around you, I bet most of the things you do on a daily basis are with the idea of prevention whether you notice or not. When you leave the house in the morning, you check to make sure the stove is off and non essential electricity is off. why? to prevent a fire and wastage. Before you drive for work, you fastened your seatbelts,why? before you enter a lane, you check your rear mirrors and signal,why? All in the name of prevention!

     Wouldn't it be nice if you could prevent most modern day diseases? Many of them are highly preventable. In terms of infectious diseases, the scariest and most infectious have available vaccines. How about the lifestyle diseases, Diabetes, Hypertension, High cholesterol, Heart problems, Obesity, Asthma, Allergies, Liver diseases and more? Can they be prevented? certainly! 

     What you need to know is that most of these modern day diseases occur due to a imbalance and disharmony in our bodies.  For example, we get Diabetes because of the imbalance between our sugar intake and the ability of the pancreas to produce insulin. when you keep pushing your insulin production to an all time high, it will eventually fail. Just like you, your organs can wear out as well. How do we get Hypertension? It occurs when a imbalance between your bodies ability to cope with stress vs your constant assault to it with poor nutrition, lack of rest, high adrenaline activities like meeting your boss and getting the report in time.

     So what can we do to tip the scale to our favour? is it a futile mission, destined to fail before it even began? Don't be a pessimist. The direction of thought is equally important in achieving the harmony to a long healthy life. 

     start with small steps and follow me to get insight on how you can tackle most of your disharmonies. I can only guide you through this epic journey, in the end, it is your determination and perseverance that will ensure you victory.

     You need to learn why you get certain disease (with legitimate medical foundations), what imbalances occur in them, and what you can do to tip the scale to your favour. This isn't meant for people who are looking for miracle cures or wonder magic. This is for the people who realise that health and longevity is the greatest asset one can ever achieve.

     Stay tuned as I will be sharing common problems like weight issues, allergies, autoimmune disease, circulatory problems, beauty, healthy ageing and more.